Northumbria University Newcastle

Mathematics, Physics, and Electrical Engineering

1 yr (FT)

The Foundation Year in Mathematics, Physics and Electrical Engineering has been specifically designed to allow you to enhance your knowledge and skills of core mathematics as well as of core physics and electrical engineering principles, whilst enabling you to progress to your selected BSc or BEng course upon successful completion.

Required Qualification

General Certificate of Education (Ordinary Level) 75% / A / Distinction General Certificate of Education (Advanced Level) May be considered if entry requirements for the target course are not met. Applications will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.5.0 ( No Less than 4.5 ) UKVI IELTS - 9 months program 4.5 (No less than 4.0) UKVI IELTS - 12 months program


Northumbria Global Scholarship-£3,000 discount in the first year of their three-year Undergraduate Degree. Undergraduate Sanctuary Scholarship-This opportunity will award three outstanding students with a £1,000 per year contribution towards studies, as well as a full 100% fee waiver for a wide range of eligible Full-Time Undergraduate courses. Northumbria Postgraduate Global Scholarship-£2,000 fee discount, simply for choosing to study in the university. Northumbria University Alumni Discount -20% tuition fee discount to students who choose to continue their studies or return to Northumbria to gain a Masters or Postgraduate Research qualification.


Foundation- 5.0 ( No Less then 4.5 ) UKVI IELTS - 9 months program 4.5 (No less than 4.0) UKVI IELTS - 12 months program Undergraduate- GCSE English Language or a recognised equivalent. OR  IELTS 6.0 with no banding below 5.5 Postgraduate- GCSE English Language or a recognised equivalent. OR  IELTS 6.5 with no banding below 6.0